written by runnergirl training
What can you do with your rest day to prevent yourself from
climbing the walls? Here are a few easy tips to keep focus even when resting
your legs!
Recovery Tactics
Your body is still rebuilding and recovering even when you think
you're not doing much. This is the perfect time to focus on those frequent
injury spots, foam roll, use recovery boots, ultrasound and muscle
Go Low-Key
Can't sit still for anything? Try yoga or core exercises (back,
abs, hips, glutes). In the words of Uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite,
"Might as well as do somethin' while you're doing nothin'."
Get Up To Date
Take this time to make sure your workout/running log in up to
date. Find and plan out future races. Make any adjustments to your upcoming
training schedule around work, travel, etc.
Perhaps you've wondered what's a Yasso 800 or about a nagging
pain in your hip. Now is a great time to look up those running and fitness
topics that my be on your mind while you're out running.
Shift Focus
As weird as it may sound, it's ok to have non-running hobbies and
interests. Take this time to spend on other areas of your life that may receive
less attention. Maybe you want to write a blog, read a new book,
volunteer, try new recipes, or even wandering the mall and people
watching. Enjoy spending your time doing things that bring you happiness!
rest day ideas should easily help you beat boredom and not-running blues! Give
yourself permission to make rest day your day!

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