written by runnergirl training
There are a few common causes of hip pain for runners. It is best to identify the problem by seeing a doctor or health professional. See more below!
IT Band Syndrome
Causes: Weak glutes & weak hips; long leg length; poor running form, tight IT band
Pain felt in: Hip, knee, leg
What to do: Strengthen glutes, gait analysis, shoe inserts, strengthen glutes & hip muscles, foam roll
What not to do: Increase speed or miles until pain subsides
Gluteal Tendinopathy
Causes: Overuse, repetitive use, weak hips & weak glutes
Pain felt in: Front of hip, worse pain at night/morning, tightness in hip
What to do: Strengthen core, glutes & hip muscles, gait analysis, stretches, ice massage
What not to do: Increase speed or miles until pain subsides, put weight on front of hip (hip thrust exercises), and lay on it.
Hip Bursitis
Causes: Overuses, repetitive use, leg length difference, bone spur, trauma
Pain felt in: outer side & top of hip, worse at night
What to do: Increase hip strength & flexibility, ice massage, steroid injection,
What not to do: Increase speed or miles until pain subsides, neglect strength training for hips & glutes

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