The following are his posts and/or replies for the discussion:
* When talking about running nutrition, it is important to determine goals/purpose.
* General health, peak for performance, racing, weight-loss all have different requirements.
* You might want some longer acting carbs. GU and Gatorade pretty quick burning stuff w/potential crashes.
* I find that GU is temporarily useful for me but I almost always feel the crash as it is wearing off.
* It probably isn't absolutely necessary to eat before a moderate distance run. enough glycogen is stored.
* You might also want to consider something like granola that mixes fast acting & slower burning carbs.
* GU/gels etc. are crucial after you pass a certain distance & are out of your own carbs to burn.
* You have over 1000 calories to spare, though, which for most runners is more than 10 miles.
* Simple equation = 1 liter for every pound you have lost during run but depends on temp, humidity. Need sodium too.
* I believe the 200-300 kcals/hr refers to the amount the amount of carbs that can be stored, not amount of sugar in blood.
* On a hot day, I like cola after a long ride. Very little beyond carbs is actually needed post endurance workout.
* There is very little evidence on protein post-workout (minimal benefits).

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